Session 3D: High Strain Rate and Low Temperature Superplasticity and Other Topics

Thursday, July 2
Time Presentation Title Speaker Affiliation ID#
8:00 AM (Invited)  A Study of Low Temperature Superplasticity of UFG Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Amit Ghosh University of Michigan 105
8:30 AM (Invited)  Mechanism of Low Temperature Superplasticity Rustam Kaibyshev Belgorod State University, Russia 71
9:00 AM Low Temperature Superplasticity and Processing Properties of Titanium Sheet Alloys Rinat Safiullin Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems, Ufa, Russia 107
9:30 AM Doping Amount and Temperature Dependence of Superplastic Flow in Tetragonal ZrO2 Polycrystal Doped with TiO2 and/or GeO2: Grain Boundary Chemistry-Related Matter Transport Phenomena Hidehiro Yoshida National Institution for Materials Science, Japan 66
10:00 AM Coffee Break
10:30 AM High Strain Rate Superplasticity in a Fine-Grained Al-Mg-Sc Alloy Produced by Friction Stir Processing Z.Y. Ma Institute of Metal Research, China 18
11:00 AM Recrystallization versus Deformation Texture in the High Strain Rate Superplastically Deformed AA5182 Zhenguo Chen Department of Applied Physics, University of Groningen, Netherlands 32
11:30 AM Analysis of Grain-Boundary Sliding with Rotating Particles Byung-Nam Kim National Institute for Materials Science, Japan 17
12:00 PM LUNCH