12th International Conference on Superplasticity in Advanced Materials (ICSAM) 2015 website

12th ICSAM September 7-10,2015 in Tokyo Tokyo-Street


Important notice

  1. Presenters must register before August 1 (Early registration).
    The name of non-registered presenter will not appear in the conference program.
  2. Registration fee includes
    • Conference bag
    • Name badge
    • Book of abstracts
    • One hard copy of conference proceedings (except for student participants)
    • On-line publishing and download of conference proceedings
  3. The Japan Society for Research on Superplasticity invites all conference participants to Welcome party, Sep. 7, Banquet, Sep. 9, and Conference tour, Sep. 11.
  4. Accompanying guests can attend Welcome party, Banquet and Conference tour. The price of one accompanying guest is 20,000 JPY.
  5. The Japan Society for Research on Superplasticity contributes Lunches and Coffees during the conference for participants.
  6. For hotel accommodation, please check "this web site".
  7. Participants are recommended to pay the registration fee by a credit card.
    For a participant who wants payment of the registration fee by bank transfer, please contact us
    (E-mail: secretariat@icsam2015.jp).

Registration fee

Status Timeline Fee
Regular (From August 1, 2015) 70,000 JPY
Student (From August 1, 2015) 25,000 JPY
Accompanying guest (From August 1, 2015) 20,000 JPY

Registration *Required field

Registration type
*Required field

*Required field
*Required field
*Required field
I will attend the following events.

*The tour schedules to visit Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, JAXA. Participants from overseas require to submit a copy of passport records.

Requests to the ICSAM 2015 local organization committee:

(Invitation letter, Vegetarian meal, Allergen-free meal, etc)
